17 Mar 2020

Frequently Ask Question

Hot to place an order online?

If you already have an account and have successfully logged in on the KDS website, you can go to the 'Product' link to select and upload the PO according to the specifications of the desired item. For customers who yet have an account, you can still place an order as Guest by including Email contact and telephone / mobile number that can be contacted.

How long does our order being processed?

The processing standard for label products order is 14 days since POs are received, while non-label products (Ribbon, Scanner, Barcode Printer, RFID) will be checked first for availability. If the customer's order is included in the Ready Stock, we can send the item as soon as possible.

Can I schedule a delivery time for my order?

You can schedule delivery times according to your needs when filling out the order form, we provide a time limit of 1 - 3 months since the PO is processed by our admin (only valid for official Purchase Orders that already have a serial number).

How do I view and track my order process?

Customers can find the status of the order process through the 'My Order' and 'Track' features on the account page. This information will always be updated, and if there are questions or changes regarding the delivery of products, you can directly contact us at the number listed on website.

The item I received does not match the PO, what should I do?

If the item received does not match the PO, you can contact us through the Call Center or Whatsapp listed on the KDS website. You can explain the details of the problem and attach evidence such as photos of products that have been received.

I want to request a sample label and demo for the machine, how do I submit it?

You can directly contact the contacts listed on the KDS website to get information and offers about label and machine product specifications. Do not hesitate to reach the contact, we are ready to provide the best service and solution for your needs.